Friday, November 16, 2012

Reflective Journal #8: Presentation Anxiety!

I never really worry about my presentations. But this time i suffered from presentation anxiety, i was really intimidated by my colleagues. I'm surrounded by expert teachers who are very determined, strong and also creative. The truth is that i enjoyed this class the most, i learnt from every single person, I've come to realize that these people did an amazing job amid all their other responsibilities, Presentations were informative, creative, honest and also had sense of humor. Also,  to be honest i was worried about following the rubric and the grading, but gradually i felt at ease and i came to realize that everything would be fine as long as i'm enjoying and believing in what i do. Tuesday has become such a special day for me.


  1. i had the same anxiety, and you gave the right reason for it ... being among experts. judged by experts and presenting your ideas to experts and next week listening to experts comments. this is how we learn. and yes Tuesday was my favorite day and i have only two more left :(

  2. Lamis and Reham , I was worry from yours presentation too :)
    Adding for Lamis reason, We are Math's teachers. I thought we have to be stick to ppt. as Dr. Joy told us, so I didn't use any other program to be send on turnitin.

  3. You all did such a wonderful job with these presentations!!!!! There was absolutely no need to be nervous. The presentation style was expanded, but I think that everyone chose what they were comfortable presenting. A word of advice, assignments should be set as learning opportunities for students to engage in critical thinking. Additionally, students should benefit the most from engaging with an assignment. You all put a lot of thought and effort into this work and YOU ALL benefitted. I am so pleased and proud of your accomplishments!

  4. Dr. Joyanne, I'm glad we made you proud. But i'm also glad that we got to know that we could do such a project, we pushed a boundary that we never thought we're capable to do :)
