Sunday, October 14, 2012

Reflective Journal #4: Hands on the wall

Tuesday has become a weekly ritual for me, meeting at 5 after a long day of work and driving seems disastrous but surprisingly i'm always excited going to the class. Beginning with the projects presentation of the rest of the colleagues triggered much more ideas in my head concerning my projects, so I started writing down notes so as to organize the ideas later. Also listening to my friends with their ideas made me wonder how these brilliant minds and thousands like them in our country are not given the credit they deserved; from workplace or from society. Generally speaking, I guess teachers are not given the credit they deserve!

"Hands on the wall" experience was intriguing, what I felt about it in the beginning was different from the purpose of the exercise actually. First thought as I faced the wall was "wow, that's really uncomfortable, I wonder how students feel when teachers punish them this way!!!" But the the exercise progressed, I started to see where this was going. I loved the fact that although I thought I cannot reach higher with my hands, I did my best and challenged myself into reaching higher. Honestly I don't know what triggered me or motivated me to try to reach higher! may be it's just to prove to myself that I can do better.

Having to leave early was unfortunate last week as i'm sure I missed some interesting activities. :S :S


  1. We were sorry to see you leave early and, yes, we did have a lot of fun after you left. But interesting to know what the activity you did made you think about. Thanks for sharing.

  2. yes lamis we had fun but we miss you I hope everything is alright with you.
