Monday, October 1, 2012

Reflective Journal #2: Blogs and ideas bonanza

Last Tuesday's class was one of the most interesting classes that I attended throughout the diploma. The exchange of ideas, the opinion and the opposing opinion, the ongoing debate about exploring the blog! I found out that we all agree that motivated adolescents can have the best learning experience and gain the best outcome, but the debate was on how to motivate them and why do they need to be motivated. I personally thought that my discussion with Ms. Sahar about the underprivileged students was very challenging to me, because it got me to think about students growing up in difficult environment from a different perspective. Also the exchange of project ideas was very interesting, actually since last Tuesday, my mind has been preoccupied with the community-based project and I've been discussing it with my supervisor and my colleagues which has triggered another session of brainstorming within our department!
One last thought: Next time, I need to write my reflection right after the class, my thoughts and ideas would be fresher then :) 


  1. Good post here, Lamis. Glad to know that the class is having an impact on you personally, professionally and with your colleagues. You can check out Education Leadership's April 2008 issue on Poverty and Learning. You may have access via AUC or at

  2. Totally agree still brainstorming for the project Lamis :)
